Will the Real YOU, Please Stand Up?

Mar 13, 2021

Will the real you, please stand up.

Now, something about that title must've caught your ear or your eyes, or you wouldn't be looking at this or reading it. Today I want to talk to you a little bit about how real are you and how real are we being now in this odd time in history?

My name is Linda Frazee and I have been teaching this kind of session for the last 40 years. This occurred to me today because we're just coming out of a pandemic, hopefully out of it!. It's been an economically difficult time. And many of you, most of you, are at home and just maybe even isolated for the longest - time for almost a year.

So that begs the important question. Who are you being during that time? What have you discovered about yourself? Has it been difficult?

Have you discovered you liked it? Have you discovered that there are parts of you that really hadn't gotten expressed in the fast paced world that maybe you were living in before? Maybe you've even reexamined some of your friendships and some of them you don't miss and many of them you do.

So now is a new time to really begin to say: 'who is the real me and who do I want to be in this world?' Not just now, but as I emerge.

What if you have some hidden talents that maybe you still haven't found? Do you have some blind spots that you never knew you had? Would you be interested in seeing them?

If you would, I have an online community that I think you would like and enjoy meeting. It's a wonderful place to learn about yourself through the eyes of the Enneagram; which is a wonderful system of self-understanding that can help you really get down to the deeper part of what motivates you and why you do what you do.

And more importantly, is that REAL you underneath it all! Would you be interested in joining a group of people who are into self-development? Do you really want to make a difference in the world in the next chapter of your life? And be prepared for when that next chapter page is turned?

Please checkout my website at www.LindaFrazee.com. Check out my Authentic Wisdom Community, and the Enneagram there as well. If you already know the Enneagram, you're a good fit already!

Check it out and have a good day.


Linda Frazee,

Authentic Wisdom Coach for what comes Next!




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